અણઉકેલ્યા કોયડાને ઉકેલવાનો તરવરાટ
Explore the realms of lifestyle and philosophy as Shishir Ramavat delves into thought-provoking topics, offering wisdom, inspiration, and guidance for living a fulfilling life. Discover new perspectives and embark on a path of personal growth with Take Off.
સ્વમૂત્રપાન, ફિલ્મમાં એક્ટિંગ અને મોરારજી દેસાઈ!
Explore the realms of lifestyle and philosophy as Shishir Ramavat delves into thought-provoking topics, offering wisdom, inspiration, and guidance for living a fulfilling life. Discover new perspectives and embark on a path of personal growth with Take Off.
કવિ પ્રદીપનું ગુજરાત કનેકશન
Explore the realms of lifestyle and philosophy as Shishir Ramavat delves into thought-provoking topics, offering wisdom, inspiration, and guidance for living a fulfilling life. Discover new perspectives and embark on a path of personal growth with Take Off.
મહાન બનવાની કળા
Explore the realms of lifestyle and philosophy as Shishir Ramavat delves into thought-provoking topics, offering wisdom, inspiration, and guidance for living a fulfilling life. Discover new perspectives and embark on a path of personal growth with Take Off.
પ્રેમ અને સ્ત્રીની સમસ્યાઓ સૌને એકસરખી સતાવે છે!
Explore the realms of lifestyle and philosophy as Shishir Ramavat delves into thought-provoking topics, offering wisdom, inspiration, and guidance for living a fulfilling life. Discover new perspectives and embark on a path of personal growth with Take Off.
જિંદગીનો કયો પાઠ શીખતાં તમને સૌથી વધારે વાર લાગી હતી?
Explore the realms of lifestyle and philosophy as Shishir Ramavat delves into thought-provoking topics, offering wisdom, inspiration, and guidance for living a fulfilling life. Discover new perspectives and embark on a path of personal growth with Take Off.
ઇંગ્લાંડ, દેન્માર્ક, પારિસઃ નાતબહાર થવું પડે તોય વિદેશપ્રવાસ કરવા!
Explore the realms of lifestyle and philosophy as Shishir Ramavat delves into thought-provoking topics, offering wisdom, inspiration, and guidance for living a fulfilling life. Discover new perspectives and embark on a path of personal growth with Take Off.
લેખક કરતાં એનું લખાણ શા માટે વધારે સ્માર્ટ હોય છે?
Explore the realms of lifestyle and philosophy as Shishir Ramavat delves into thought-provoking topics, offering wisdom, inspiration, and guidance for living a fulfilling life. Discover new perspectives and embark on a path of personal growth with Take Off.
સ્વામી, સંઘ અને સ્મારક
Explore the realms of lifestyle and philosophy as Shishir Ramavat delves into thought-provoking topics, offering wisdom, inspiration, and guidance for living a fulfilling life. Discover new perspectives and embark on a path of personal growth with Take Off.
પહેલાં પ્રોડક્શન, પછી પરફેક્શન!
Explore the realms of lifestyle and philosophy as Shishir Ramavat delves into thought-provoking topics, offering wisdom, inspiration, and guidance for living a fulfilling life. Discover new perspectives and embark on a path of personal growth with Take Off.
દુનિયાભરની સ્ત્રીઓએ મતાધિકાર માટે સંઘર્ષ કરવો પડ્યો છે!
Explore the realms of lifestyle and philosophy as Shishir Ramavat delves into thought-provoking topics, offering wisdom, inspiration, and guidance for living a fulfilling life. Discover new perspectives and embark on a path of personal growth with Take Off.
કામ પાછળ ધકેલ્યા કરવાની કુટેવ
Explore the realms of lifestyle and philosophy as Shishir Ramavat delves into thought-provoking topics, offering wisdom, inspiration, and guidance for living a fulfilling life. Discover new perspectives and embark on a path of personal growth with Take Off.
પરંપરાગત મીડિયા, સોશિયલ મીડિયા અને વિશ્વસનીયતા
Explore the realms of lifestyle and philosophy as Shishir Ramavat delves into thought-provoking topics, offering wisdom, inspiration, and guidance for living a fulfilling life. Discover new perspectives and embark on a path of personal growth with Take Off.
માણસ વિરુદ્ધ મશીનઃ આલ્ગોરિધમ દેવની જય હો!
Explore the realms of lifestyle and philosophy as Shishir Ramavat delves into thought-provoking topics, offering wisdom, inspiration, and guidance for living a fulfilling life. Discover new perspectives and embark on a path of personal growth with Take Off.
વર્ષે પાંચ અબજ રૂપિયા કમાતા લેખકની વારતા
Explore the realms of lifestyle and philosophy as Shishir Ramavat delves into thought-provoking topics, offering wisdom, inspiration, and guidance for living a fulfilling life. Discover new perspectives and embark on a path of personal growth with Take Off.
કાચા પૂંઠાની પાકી કહાણી
Explore the realms of lifestyle and philosophy as Shishir Ramavat delves into thought-provoking topics, offering wisdom, inspiration, and guidance for living a fulfilling life. Discover new perspectives and embark on a path of personal growth with Take Off.
હવે તમે પુસ્તકોને નહીં, પુસ્તકો તમને વાંચશે!
Explore the realms of lifestyle and philosophy as Shishir Ramavat delves into thought-provoking topics, offering wisdom, inspiration, and guidance for living a fulfilling life. Discover new perspectives and embark on a path of personal growth with Take Off.
ચેમ્પિયનોનું માઇન્ડસેટ કેવું હોય?
Explore the realms of lifestyle and philosophy as Shishir Ramavat delves into thought-provoking topics, offering wisdom, inspiration, and guidance for living a fulfilling life. Discover new perspectives and embark on a path of personal growth with Take Off.
ટાગોર, નોબેલ પ્રાઇઝ અને ફ્રસ્ટ્રેશન
Explore the realms of lifestyle and philosophy as Shishir Ramavat delves into thought-provoking topics, offering wisdom, inspiration, and guidance for living a fulfilling life. Discover new perspectives and embark on a path of personal growth with Take Off.
ધેર ઇઝ નો પેક-અપ ઇન લાઇફ!
Explore the realms of lifestyle and philosophy as Shishir Ramavat delves into thought-provoking topics, offering wisdom, inspiration, and guidance for living a fulfilling life. Discover new perspectives and embark on a path of personal growth with Take Off.
ન્યુ યોર્ક… ન્યુ યોર્ક!
Explore the realms of lifestyle and philosophy as Shishir Ramavat delves into thought-provoking topics, offering wisdom, inspiration, and guidance for living a fulfilling life. Discover new perspectives and embark on a path of personal growth with Take Off.
સિઝનલ ફળો શા માટે શ્રેષ્ઠ છે?
Explore the realms of lifestyle and philosophy as Shishir Ramavat delves into thought-provoking topics, offering wisdom, inspiration, and guidance for living a fulfilling life. Discover new perspectives and embark on a path of personal growth with Take Off.
જીવદૃયા નહીં, જીવમૈત્રી!
Explore the realms of lifestyle and philosophy as Shishir Ramavat delves into thought-provoking topics, offering wisdom, inspiration, and guidance for living a fulfilling life. Discover new perspectives and embark on a path of personal growth with Take Off.
એમબીએના વિદ્યાર્થીઓને શું શીખવવામાં આવતું નથી?
Explore the realms of lifestyle and philosophy as Shishir Ramavat delves into thought-provoking topics, offering wisdom, inspiration, and guidance for living a fulfilling life. Discover new perspectives and embark on a path of personal growth with Take Off.