પેલી એરિનનું પછી શું થયું?
Explore the realms of lifestyle and philosophy as Shishir Ramavat delves into thought-provoking topics, offering wisdom, inspiration, and guidance for living a fulfilling life. Discover new perspectives and embark on a path of personal growth with Take Off.
ક્રિયેટિવ જિંદગી જીવવાની કળા
Explore the realms of lifestyle and philosophy as Shishir Ramavat delves into thought-provoking topics, offering wisdom, inspiration, and guidance for living a fulfilling life. Discover new perspectives and embark on a path of personal growth with Take Off.
અલગ છતાંય લગોલગ
Explore the realms of lifestyle and philosophy as Shishir Ramavat delves into thought-provoking topics, offering wisdom, inspiration, and guidance for living a fulfilling life. Discover new perspectives and embark on a path of personal growth with Take Off.
માગો એટલે મળશે, શોધો એટલે જડશે
Explore the realms of lifestyle and philosophy as Shishir Ramavat delves into thought-provoking topics, offering wisdom, inspiration, and guidance for living a fulfilling life. Discover new perspectives and embark on a path of personal growth with Take Off.
દૂધ અને માંસ એક જ સિક્કાની બે બાજુઓ છે?
Explore the realms of lifestyle and philosophy as Shishir Ramavat delves into thought-provoking topics, offering wisdom, inspiration, and guidance for living a fulfilling life. Discover new perspectives and embark on a path of personal growth with Take Off.
એક અધૂરી પ્રેમકથા
Explore the realms of lifestyle and philosophy as Shishir Ramavat delves into thought-provoking topics, offering wisdom, inspiration, and guidance for living a fulfilling life. Discover new perspectives and embark on a path of personal growth with Take Off.
કલા, ક્રિયેટિવિટી અને કરિયાણું
Explore the realms of lifestyle and philosophy as Shishir Ramavat delves into thought-provoking topics, offering wisdom, inspiration, and guidance for living a fulfilling life. Discover new perspectives and embark on a path of personal growth with Take Off.
પાકિસ્તાનને દોવલ દેમ દીઠા ગમતા નથી?
Explore the realms of lifestyle and philosophy as Shishir Ramavat delves into thought-provoking topics, offering wisdom, inspiration, and guidance for living a fulfilling life. Discover new perspectives and embark on a path of personal growth with Take Off.
માય નેમ ઇઝ દોવલ… અજિત દોવલ!
Explore the realms of lifestyle and philosophy as Shishir Ramavat delves into thought-provoking topics, offering wisdom, inspiration, and guidance for living a fulfilling life. Discover new perspectives and embark on a path of personal growth with Take Off.
ગાંધીજીનું ચાલત તો એમણે ગોડસેને ફાંસી ન થવા દીધી હોત
Explore the realms of lifestyle and philosophy as Shishir Ramavat delves into thought-provoking topics, offering wisdom, inspiration, and guidance for living a fulfilling life. Discover new perspectives and embark on a path of personal growth with Take Off.
ઇતિહાસના પ્રકાશપૂંજની પેલે પાર
Explore the realms of lifestyle and philosophy as Shishir Ramavat delves into thought-provoking topics, offering wisdom, inspiration, and guidance for living a fulfilling life. Discover new perspectives and embark on a path of personal growth with Take Off.
મેઘાણી જ્યારે ‘દેવદાસ’ ફિલ્મનો રિવ્યુ કરે છે…
Explore the realms of lifestyle and philosophy as Shishir Ramavat delves into thought-provoking topics, offering wisdom, inspiration, and guidance for living a fulfilling life. Discover new perspectives and embark on a path of personal growth with Take Off.
ગોડસેએ શું કહ્યું?
Explore the realms of lifestyle and philosophy as Shishir Ramavat delves into thought-provoking topics, offering wisdom, inspiration, and guidance for living a fulfilling life. Discover new perspectives and embark on a path of personal growth with Take Off.
હેપીનેસની બરણીઃ તમને આજે કઈ વાતે સૌથી વધારે મોજ પડી?
Explore the realms of lifestyle and philosophy as Shishir Ramavat delves into thought-provoking topics, offering wisdom, inspiration, and guidance for living a fulfilling life. Discover new perspectives and embark on a path of personal growth with Take Off.
કોમાગાટા મારુઃ કેનેડાને કઈ વાતનું ગિલ્ટ છે?
Explore the realms of lifestyle and philosophy as Shishir Ramavat delves into thought-provoking topics, offering wisdom, inspiration, and guidance for living a fulfilling life. Discover new perspectives and embark on a path of personal growth with Take Off.
હિપ હોપ કલ્ચરઃ આક્રોશમાંથી ફૂટેલું ખરબચડું સત્ય
Explore the realms of lifestyle and philosophy as Shishir Ramavat delves into thought-provoking topics, offering wisdom, inspiration, and guidance for living a fulfilling life. Discover new perspectives and embark on a path of personal growth with Take Off.
તમારો સ્પિરિચ્યુઅલ ક્વોશન્ટ કેટલો છે?
Explore the realms of lifestyle and philosophy as Shishir Ramavat delves into thought-provoking topics, offering wisdom, inspiration, and guidance for living a fulfilling life. Discover new perspectives and embark on a path of personal growth with Take Off.
…તો અમદાવાદમાં આઇઆઇએમ ન હોત?
Explore the realms of lifestyle and philosophy as Shishir Ramavat delves into thought-provoking topics, offering wisdom, inspiration, and guidance for living a fulfilling life. Discover new perspectives and embark on a path of personal growth with Take Off.
ગાંધીજીથી અંબાણીઃ વેવાઈની કક્ષા કેવી હોય?
Explore the realms of lifestyle and philosophy as Shishir Ramavat delves into thought-provoking topics, offering wisdom, inspiration, and guidance for living a fulfilling life. Discover new perspectives and embark on a path of personal growth with Take Off.
પુસ્તકિયા જ્ઞાનને અસલી ભણતરની વચ્ચે આવવા નહીં દેવાનું!
Explore the realms of lifestyle and philosophy as Shishir Ramavat delves into thought-provoking topics, offering wisdom, inspiration, and guidance for living a fulfilling life. Discover new perspectives and embark on a path of personal growth with Take Off.
એક હતા ઓશો…
Explore the realms of lifestyle and philosophy as Shishir Ramavat delves into thought-provoking topics, offering wisdom, inspiration, and guidance for living a fulfilling life. Discover new perspectives and embark on a path of personal growth with Take Off.
સરહદો નહીં, ફક્ત ક્ષિતિજો… અને આઝાદી!
Explore the realms of lifestyle and philosophy as Shishir Ramavat delves into thought-provoking topics, offering wisdom, inspiration, and guidance for living a fulfilling life. Discover new perspectives and embark on a path of personal growth with Take Off.
આદત, શિસ્ત અને આપણે
Explore the realms of lifestyle and philosophy as Shishir Ramavat delves into thought-provoking topics, offering wisdom, inspiration, and guidance for living a fulfilling life. Discover new perspectives and embark on a path of personal growth with Take Off.
એકવીસમી સદીમાં આધ્યાત્મિકતા શા માટે જરૂરિયાત બની જવાની?
Explore the realms of lifestyle and philosophy as Shishir Ramavat delves into thought-provoking topics, offering wisdom, inspiration, and guidance for living a fulfilling life. Discover new perspectives and embark on a path of personal growth with Take Off.