કલાકાર એ છે જેની પાસે સવાલો છે, જવાબો નહીં
Explore the realms of lifestyle and philosophy as Shishir Ramavat delves into thought-provoking topics, offering wisdom, inspiration, and guidance for living a fulfilling life. Discover new perspectives and embark on a path of personal growth with Take Off.
હું અલબેલો અલગારી.,,
Explore the realms of lifestyle and philosophy as Shishir Ramavat delves into thought-provoking topics, offering wisdom, inspiration, and guidance for living a fulfilling life. Discover new perspectives and embark on a path of personal growth with Take Off.
મીનપિયાસીની ડાયરીનું અંગત અંગત…
Explore the realms of lifestyle and philosophy as Shishir Ramavat delves into thought-provoking topics, offering wisdom, inspiration, and guidance for living a fulfilling life. Discover new perspectives and embark on a path of personal growth with Take Off.
જશને બદલે જૂતાં – ચોખ્ખા માણસે હારવા માટે તૈયાર રહેવું!
Explore the realms of lifestyle and philosophy as Shishir Ramavat delves into thought-provoking topics, offering wisdom, inspiration, and guidance for living a fulfilling life. Discover new perspectives and embark on a path of personal growth with Take Off.
સાહિત્યસર્જન અને સુથારીકામ વચ્ચે ઝાઝો ફર્ક નથી!
Explore the realms of lifestyle and philosophy as Shishir Ramavat delves into thought-provoking topics, offering wisdom, inspiration, and guidance for living a fulfilling life. Discover new perspectives and embark on a path of personal growth with Take Off.
ભારતનો ગામડિયો અમેરિકામાં મલ્ટિ-મિલિયોનેર રાજકારણી શી રીતે બન્યો?
Explore the realms of lifestyle and philosophy as Shishir Ramavat delves into thought-provoking topics, offering wisdom, inspiration, and guidance for living a fulfilling life. Discover new perspectives and embark on a path of personal growth with Take Off.
રાજા દાહિર માર્ગ કઈ તરફ આવ્યો?
Explore the realms of lifestyle and philosophy as Shishir Ramavat delves into thought-provoking topics, offering wisdom, inspiration, and guidance for living a fulfilling life. Discover new perspectives and embark on a path of personal growth with Take Off.
મેરી ઉસ્તાદિની કી ઉમ્મર ખુદા દરાઝ કરે…
Explore the realms of lifestyle and philosophy as Shishir Ramavat delves into thought-provoking topics, offering wisdom, inspiration, and guidance for living a fulfilling life. Discover new perspectives and embark on a path of personal growth with Take Off.
પુસ્તકો ગોઠવવાનો આનંદ
Explore the realms of lifestyle and philosophy as Shishir Ramavat delves into thought-provoking topics, offering wisdom, inspiration, and guidance for living a fulfilling life. Discover new perspectives and embark on a path of personal growth with Take Off.
જિંદગી ખૂબસૂરત છે, પણ હું તે જીવી શકું તેમ નથી
Explore the realms of lifestyle and philosophy as Shishir Ramavat delves into thought-provoking topics, offering wisdom, inspiration, and guidance for living a fulfilling life. Discover new perspectives and embark on a path of personal growth with Take Off.
ગુજરાતી ભાષા ફાવે તેમ લખાય, એમ?
Explore the realms of lifestyle and philosophy as Shishir Ramavat delves into thought-provoking topics, offering wisdom, inspiration, and guidance for living a fulfilling life. Discover new perspectives and embark on a path of personal growth with Take Off.
ગાંડો સૂરજ અગ્નિ ઓક્યા કરે…
Explore the realms of lifestyle and philosophy as Shishir Ramavat delves into thought-provoking topics, offering wisdom, inspiration, and guidance for living a fulfilling life. Discover new perspectives and embark on a path of personal growth with Take Off.
એક ડૉક્ટરની કૅન્સરકથા
Explore the realms of lifestyle and philosophy as Shishir Ramavat delves into thought-provoking topics, offering wisdom, inspiration, and guidance for living a fulfilling life. Discover new perspectives and embark on a path of personal growth with Take Off.
કસરત રાજા છે… પૌષ્ટિક ખોરાક રાણી છે
Explore the realms of lifestyle and philosophy as Shishir Ramavat delves into thought-provoking topics, offering wisdom, inspiration, and guidance for living a fulfilling life. Discover new perspectives and embark on a path of personal growth with Take Off.
એકવીસમી સદીનો કથાકાર કેવો હોય?
Explore the realms of lifestyle and philosophy as Shishir Ramavat delves into thought-provoking topics, offering wisdom, inspiration, and guidance for living a fulfilling life. Discover new perspectives and embark on a path of personal growth with Take Off.
કસરત રાજા છે… પૌષ્ટિક ખોરાક રાણી છે
Explore the realms of lifestyle and philosophy as Shishir Ramavat delves into thought-provoking topics, offering wisdom, inspiration, and guidance for living a fulfilling life. Discover new perspectives and embark on a path of personal growth with Take Off.
રાજા દાહિર માર્ગ કઈ તરફ આવ્યો?
Explore the realms of lifestyle and philosophy as Shishir Ramavat delves into thought-provoking topics, offering wisdom, inspiration, and guidance for living a fulfilling life. Discover new perspectives and embark on a path of personal growth with Take Off.
આપણે અહોમ રાજવંશ વિશે કેમ ખાસ કશું જાણતા નથી?
Explore the realms of lifestyle and philosophy as Shishir Ramavat delves into thought-provoking topics, offering wisdom, inspiration, and guidance for living a fulfilling life. Discover new perspectives and embark on a path of personal growth with Take Off.
અનર્થઘટનઃ લોટમાં પાણી નાખીને ‘માંસ’ પકાવવાની કળા!
Explore the realms of lifestyle and philosophy as Shishir Ramavat delves into thought-provoking topics, offering wisdom, inspiration, and guidance for living a fulfilling life. Discover new perspectives and embark on a path of personal growth with Take Off.
અનર્થઘટનઃ લોટમાં પાણી નાખીને ‘માંસ’ પકાવવાની કળા!
Explore the realms of lifestyle and philosophy as Shishir Ramavat delves into thought-provoking topics, offering wisdom, inspiration, and guidance for living a fulfilling life. Discover new perspectives and embark on a path of personal growth with Take Off.
મેરી ઉસ્તાદિની કી ઉમ્મર ખુદા દરાઝ કરે…
Explore the realms of lifestyle and philosophy as Shishir Ramavat delves into thought-provoking topics, offering wisdom, inspiration, and guidance for living a fulfilling life. Discover new perspectives and embark on a path of personal growth with Take Off.
સાહિત્યસર્જન અને સુથારીકામ વચ્ચે ઝાઝો ફર્ક નથી!
Explore the realms of lifestyle and philosophy as Shishir Ramavat delves into thought-provoking topics, offering wisdom, inspiration, and guidance for living a fulfilling life. Discover new perspectives and embark on a path of personal growth with Take Off.
ગુજરાતી ભાષા ફાવે તેમ લખાય, એમ?
Explore the realms of lifestyle and philosophy as Shishir Ramavat delves into thought-provoking topics, offering wisdom, inspiration, and guidance for living a fulfilling life. Discover new perspectives and embark on a path of personal growth with Take Off.
મા, દીકરી અને વેબ શો
Explore the realms of lifestyle and philosophy as Shishir Ramavat delves into thought-provoking topics, offering wisdom, inspiration, and guidance for living a fulfilling life. Discover new perspectives and embark on a path of personal growth with Take Off.