ગ્લોબલ વોર્મિંગની ચિંતા કરવી હોય તો બચ્ચાં જણવાનું ઓછું કરો
Welcome to Vaat Vichar, a profound exploration of life, lifestyle, and philosophy. Delve into our thought-provoking articles, insightful reflections, and meaningful discussions as we navigate the depths of existence.
એનિમલ અને આલ્ફા મેલ : માણસ પશુતા અને ચેતનાની વચ્ચે ક્યાંક ઊભો છે
Welcome to Vaat Vichar, a profound exploration of life, lifestyle, and philosophy. Delve into our thought-provoking articles, insightful reflections, and meaningful discussions as we navigate the depths of existence.
ફ્રાન્સ અને અલ્જિરીયા : સહિયારા ઇતિહાસનું એક લોહિયાળ પાનું
Welcome to Vaat Vichar, a profound exploration of life, lifestyle, and philosophy. Delve into our thought-provoking articles, insightful reflections, and meaningful discussions as we navigate the depths of existence.
આયર્ન બીમ ડિફેન્સ સિસ્ટમઃ મિલિટરી ટેકનોલોજીના હેરતઅંગેજ ટ્રેન્ડ્ઝ
Welcome to Vaat Vichar, a profound exploration of life, lifestyle, and philosophy. Delve into our thought-provoking articles, insightful reflections, and meaningful discussions as we navigate the depths of existence.
નવી ટેવ પાડવા માટે 21 નહીં, કમસે કમ 75 દિવસ જોઈએ
Welcome to Vaat Vichar, a profound exploration of life, lifestyle, and philosophy. Delve into our thought-provoking articles, insightful reflections, and meaningful discussions as we navigate the depths of existence.
અંકિત, એન્ડી અને 75 હાર્ડ : ખેલ શરીરનો નહીં, મનોબળનો છે
Welcome to Vaat Vichar, a profound exploration of life, lifestyle, and philosophy. Delve into our thought-provoking articles, insightful reflections, and meaningful discussions as we navigate the depths of existence.
નવી આદત પાડવા માટે 21 નહીં, 75 થી માંડીને 245 દિવસ જોઈએ
Welcome to Vaat Vichar, a profound exploration of life, lifestyle, and philosophy. Delve into our thought-provoking articles, insightful reflections, and meaningful discussions as we navigate the depths of existence.
દાઢી ઊગે તે પહેલાં ગાડી ખરીદી લેવાની કળા
Welcome to Vaat Vichar, a profound exploration of life, lifestyle, and philosophy. Delve into our thought-provoking articles, insightful reflections, and meaningful discussions as we navigate the depths of existence.
ઓપરેશન સર્ચલાઇટ: એવો ભયાનક નરસંહાર જે કદી થયો જ નહોતો
Welcome to Vaat Vichar, a profound exploration of life, lifestyle, and philosophy. Delve into our thought-provoking articles, insightful reflections, and meaningful discussions as we navigate the depths of existence.
સ્મરણોત્સવ અને મરણોત્સવ
Anil Chavda is a Gujarati language poet, writer and columnist from Gujarat, India. Some of his works include Savaar Laine, a collection of ghazals, which won him the 2014 Yuva Puras
શરત આવવાની હો તારી અગર
Anil Chavda is a Gujarati language poet, writer and columnist from Gujarat, India. Some of his works include Savaar Laine, a collection of ghazals, which won him the 2014 Yuva Puras
સરકારી હોર્ડિંગનો છાંયડો
Anil Chavda is a Gujarati language poet, writer and columnist from Gujarat, India. Some of his works include Savaar Laine, a collection of ghazals, which won him the 2014 Yuva Puras
દૃશ્યોમાં એકધારી ભાષા નથી તો શું છે?
Anil Chavda is a Gujarati language poet, writer and columnist from Gujarat, India. Some of his works include Savaar Laine, a collection of ghazals, which won him the 2014 Yuva Puras
બાળક, ભૂખ, વિસ્મય અને લાચારી
Anil Chavda is a Gujarati language poet, writer and columnist from Gujarat, India. Some of his works include Savaar Laine, a collection of ghazals, which won him the 2014 Yuva Puras
ઇચ્છાઓ ‘છે’ મટી, ‘હતી’ થઈ જાય તો મજા
Anil Chavda is a Gujarati language poet, writer and columnist from Gujarat, India. Some of his works include Savaar Laine, a collection of ghazals, which won him the 2014 Yuva Puras
અમે આદિમ ઉપેક્ષિતો
Anil Chavda is a Gujarati language poet, writer and columnist from Gujarat, India. Some of his works include Savaar Laine, a collection of ghazals, which won him the 2014 Yuva Puras
જાત ભભરાવી દીધી મેં રોટલીના લોટમાં
Anil Chavda is a Gujarati language poet, writer and columnist from Gujarat, India. Some of his works include Savaar Laine, a collection of ghazals, which won him the 2014 Yuva Puras
દ્રૌપદી અજ્ઞાતવાસમાં રહી સૈરન્ધ્રી બની
Anil Chavda is a Gujarati language poet, writer and columnist from Gujarat, India. Some of his works include Savaar Laine, a collection of ghazals, which won him the 2014 Yuva Puras
ઊંઘતા માણસને જગાડવાનું સાહસ
Anil Chavda is a Gujarati language poet, writer and columnist from Gujarat, India. Some of his works include Savaar Laine, a collection of ghazals, which won him the 2014 Yuva Puras
એવું પગલું માંડું જેથી આવે સાથ અનેક
Anil Chavda is a Gujarati language poet, writer and columnist from Gujarat, India. Some of his works include Savaar Laine, a collection of ghazals, which won him the 2014 Yuva Puras
પેટ ભરવા એક નારી સૂઈ ગઈ
Anil Chavda is a Gujarati language poet, writer and columnist from Gujarat, India. Some of his works include Savaar Laine, a collection of ghazals, which won him the 2014 Yuva Puras
અધૂરામાં પૂરું પૂરામાં અધૂરું
Anil Chavda is a Gujarati language poet, writer and columnist from Gujarat, India. Some of his works include Savaar Laine, a collection of ghazals, which won him the 2014 Yuva Puras
જીત પર હસતો રહ્યો ને હાર પર હસતો રહ્યો
Anil Chavda is a Gujarati language poet, writer and columnist from Gujarat, India. Some of his works include Savaar Laine, a collection of ghazals, which won him the 2014 Yuva Puras
આ દુનિયામાં જન્મ્યા તેથી અહીંના, બાકી મૂળ અમે ના કહીંના
Anil Chavda is a Gujarati language poet, writer and columnist from Gujarat, India. Some of his works include Savaar Laine, a collection of ghazals, which won him the 2014 Yuva Puras