સાંકડી શેરીમાં આકાશ વેચવાનો પ્રયત્ન
Anil Chavda is a Gujarati language poet, writer and columnist from Gujarat, India. Some of his works include Savaar Laine, a collection of ghazals, which won him the 2014 Yuva Puras
ઓ હિન્દ દેવભૂમિ, સંતાન સૌ તમારાં…
Anil Chavda is a Gujarati language poet, writer and columnist from Gujarat, India. Some of his works include Savaar Laine, a collection of ghazals, which won him the 2014 Yuva Puras
શિયાળાની ઠંડીમાં કડકડતી કવિતાઓ…
Anil Chavda is a Gujarati language poet, writer and columnist from Gujarat, India. Some of his works include Savaar Laine, a collection of ghazals, which won him the 2014 Yuva Puras
ઘરમાં તો આવું પણ હોય..!
Anil Chavda is a Gujarati language poet, writer and columnist from Gujarat, India. Some of his works include Savaar Laine, a collection of ghazals, which won him the 2014 Yuva Puras
બહેનના મૃત્યુની કરૂણ કવિતા
Anil Chavda is a Gujarati language poet, writer and columnist from Gujarat, India. Some of his works include Savaar Laine, a collection of ghazals, which won him the 2014 Yuva Puras
તું તને ખુદને નડે એમાં શનિ, રાહુ કે મંગળ શું કરે?
Anil Chavda is a Gujarati language poet, writer and columnist from Gujarat, India. Some of his works include Savaar Laine, a collection of ghazals, which won him the 2014 Yuva Puras
નવીનતાને ન ઠુકરાવો….
Anil Chavda is a Gujarati language poet, writer and columnist from Gujarat, India. Some of his works include Savaar Laine, a collection of ghazals, which won him the 2014 Yuva Puras
સમય ટૂંકો પડે સુખમાં, સમય લાંબો ઘણો દુઃખમાં
Anil Chavda is a Gujarati language poet, writer and columnist from Gujarat, India. Some of his works include Savaar Laine, a collection of ghazals, which won him the 2014 Yuva Puras
એપોઇન્ટમેન્ટ લીધા વિના આવી ચડેલું મૃત્યુ!
Anil Chavda is a Gujarati language poet, writer and columnist from Gujarat, India. Some of his works include Savaar Laine, a collection of ghazals, which won him the 2014 Yuva Puras
દેશ તો આઝાદ થતા થઈ ગયો, તેં શું કર્યું?
Anil Chavda is a Gujarati language poet, writer and columnist from Gujarat, India. Some of his works include Savaar Laine, a collection of ghazals, which won him the 2014 Yuva Puras
જીવનનું એકાઉન્ટ બંધ થાય એ પહેલાં માનવતાનો ટેક્ષ ભરી દેજો
Anil Chavda is a Gujarati language poet, writer and columnist from Gujarat, India. Some of his works include Savaar Laine, a collection of ghazals, which won him the 2014 Yuva Puras
માવાના શોખીનોનું ગીત
Anil Chavda is a Gujarati language poet, writer and columnist from Gujarat, India. Some of his works include Savaar Laine, a collection of ghazals, which won him the 2014 Yuva Puras
જનરેશન ગેપની કવિતા
Anil Chavda is a Gujarati language poet, writer and columnist from Gujarat, India. Some of his works include Savaar Laine, a collection of ghazals, which won him the 2014 Yuva Puras
ભારતમાતાના પેટમાં કૌભાંડરૂપી ગાંઠ છે!
Anil Chavda is a Gujarati language poet, writer and columnist from Gujarat, India. Some of his works include Savaar Laine, a collection of ghazals, which won him the 2014 Yuva Puras
સૃષ્ટિની અસુન્દર ચીજને પણ ચાહીને સુંદર બનાવી દો
Anil Chavda is a Gujarati language poet, writer and columnist from Gujarat, India. Some of his works include Savaar Laine, a collection of ghazals, which won him the 2014 Yuva Puras
એક તરફ રામ મંદિરની વાતો થાય છે, બીજી તરફ સીતાઓ સળગાવાય છે.
Anil Chavda is a Gujarati language poet, writer and columnist from Gujarat, India. Some of his works include Savaar Laine, a collection of ghazals, which won him the 2014 Yuva Puras
મારો ય એક જમાનો હતો કોણ માનશે?
Anil Chavda is a Gujarati language poet, writer and columnist from Gujarat, India. Some of his works include Savaar Laine, a collection of ghazals, which won him the 2014 Yuva Puras
ઝળહળ ઝળહળ અંધારું છે; હું એનો ને એ મારું છે.
Anil Chavda is a Gujarati language poet, writer and columnist from Gujarat, India. Some of his works include Savaar Laine, a collection of ghazals, which won him the 2014 Yuva Puras
કૃષ્ણની પીડા જીરવી જવા કોણ તૈયાર છે?
Anil Chavda is a Gujarati language poet, writer and columnist from Gujarat, India. Some of his works include Savaar Laine, a collection of ghazals, which won him the 2014 Yuva Puras
હું કવિ છું, જે છે તે કેવળ મારી આંખમાં!
Anil Chavda is a Gujarati language poet, writer and columnist from Gujarat, India. Some of his works include Savaar Laine, a collection of ghazals, which won him the 2014 Yuva Puras
પાણીને લાગી તરસ તો શ્હેર આખું પી ગયાં!
Anil Chavda is a Gujarati language poet, writer and columnist from Gujarat, India. Some of his works include Savaar Laine, a collection of ghazals, which won him the 2014 Yuva Puras
બળથી બાળક તને જો વંદે તો બાળમજૂરી ના ગણાય પ્રભુ?
Anil Chavda is a Gujarati language poet, writer and columnist from Gujarat, India. Some of his works include Savaar Laine, a collection of ghazals, which won him the 2014 Yuva Puras
ગામડું બસ એટલે ગમતું હતું
Anil Chavda is a Gujarati language poet, writer and columnist from Gujarat, India. Some of his works include Savaar Laine, a collection of ghazals, which won him the 2014 Yuva Puras
નથી રહ્યો હું વાડનો, મકાનનો નથી રહ્યો
Anil Chavda is a Gujarati language poet, writer and columnist from Gujarat, India. Some of his works include Savaar Laine, a collection of ghazals, which won him the 2014 Yuva Puras