પાકિસ્તાનની શાયરા પરવિન શાકિરનો કૃષ્ણપ્રેમ
Anil Chavda is a Gujarati language poet, writer and columnist from Gujarat, India. Some of his works include Savaar Laine, a collection of ghazals, which won him the 2014 Yuva Puras
દેખ્યાનો દેશ ભલે લઈ લીધો
Anil Chavda is a Gujarati language poet, writer and columnist from Gujarat, India. Some of his works include Savaar Laine, a collection of ghazals, which won him the 2014 Yuva Puras
માતૃભાષાની ડાળી અને કુહાડીકર્મ
Anil Chavda is a Gujarati language poet, writer and columnist from Gujarat, India. Some of his works include Savaar Laine, a collection of ghazals, which won him the 2014 Yuva Puras
મારા ખભેથી મારું મડદું ઉતારવું છે
Anil Chavda is a Gujarati language poet, writer and columnist from Gujarat, India. Some of his works include Savaar Laine, a collection of ghazals, which won him the 2014 Yuva Puras
આવી શકે તો આવ, આ વરસાદી સાંજ છે
Anil Chavda is a Gujarati language poet, writer and columnist from Gujarat, India. Some of his works include Savaar Laine, a collection of ghazals, which won him the 2014 Yuva Puras
મારી દીકરી ક્યાં?
Anil Chavda is a Gujarati language poet, writer and columnist from Gujarat, India. Some of his works include Savaar Laine, a collection of ghazals, which won him the 2014 Yuva Puras
કરે કોઈ જીતની ચર્ચા, કરે કોઈ હારની ચર્ચા
Anil Chavda is a Gujarati language poet, writer and columnist from Gujarat, India. Some of his works include Savaar Laine, a collection of ghazals, which won him the 2014 Yuva Puras
કાન ખોલીને બધા પડકારનો આદર કરો
Anil Chavda is a Gujarati language poet, writer and columnist from Gujarat, India. Some of his works include Savaar Laine, a collection of ghazals, which won him the 2014 Yuva Puras
મને મારા સુધી લઈ જાવ, ભાડું થાય તે લેજો!
Anil Chavda is a Gujarati language poet, writer and columnist from Gujarat, India. Some of his works include Savaar Laine, a collection of ghazals, which won him the 2014 Yuva Puras
મારા પડછાયાનું હું જ કદી જોઉં નહિ મોઢું
Anil Chavda is a Gujarati language poet, writer and columnist from Gujarat, India. Some of his works include Savaar Laine, a collection of ghazals, which won him the 2014 Yuva Puras
સરળ હપતા કરી દો તો, દરદ વેઠાય એવું છે
Anil Chavda is a Gujarati language poet, writer and columnist from Gujarat, India. Some of his works include Savaar Laine, a collection of ghazals, which won him the 2014 Yuva Puras
એકલો ચાલું, સહારો ના ખપે
Anil Chavda is a Gujarati language poet, writer and columnist from Gujarat, India. Some of his works include Savaar Laine, a collection of ghazals, which won him the 2014 Yuva Puras
ચાક પર શું શું ધર્યું છે, મૂર્ખ તુજને ભાન છે?
Anil Chavda is a Gujarati language poet, writer and columnist from Gujarat, India. Some of his works include Savaar Laine, a collection of ghazals, which won him the 2014 Yuva Puras
એક દિન હતો, એક પળ હતી…
Anil Chavda is a Gujarati language poet, writer and columnist from Gujarat, India. Some of his works include Savaar Laine, a collection of ghazals, which won him the 2014 Yuva Puras
કાન્તે જલ ઉપર ચંદ્રનો ઉદય જોયો એવો કોઈએ જોયો નથી!
Anil Chavda is a Gujarati language poet, writer and columnist from Gujarat, India. Some of his works include Savaar Laine, a collection of ghazals, which won him the 2014 Yuva Puras
કબરો ઉઘાડી જોયું તો ઇન્સાન નીકળ્યા
Anil Chavda is a Gujarati language poet, writer and columnist from Gujarat, India. Some of his works include Savaar Laine, a collection of ghazals, which won him the 2014 Yuva Puras
તમારું એક સ્મિત કોઈકની જિંદગી બચાવી શકે છે!
Anil Chavda is a Gujarati language poet, writer and columnist from Gujarat, India. Some of his works include Savaar Laine, a collection of ghazals, which won him the 2014 Yuva Puras
પંખી પાછું પીંજરામાં ભરાઈ ગયું!
Anil Chavda is a Gujarati language poet, writer and columnist from Gujarat, India. Some of his works include Savaar Laine, a collection of ghazals, which won him the 2014 Yuva Puras
શબ્દોનું ધન અને અર્થનું તેજ ધરાવનાર શાયર
Anil Chavda is a Gujarati language poet, writer and columnist from Gujarat, India. Some of his works include Savaar Laine, a collection of ghazals, which won him the 2014 Yuva Puras
હજારો વર્ષની જૂની અમારી વેદનાઓ!
Anil Chavda is a Gujarati language poet, writer and columnist from Gujarat, India. Some of his works include Savaar Laine, a collection of ghazals, which won him the 2014 Yuva Puras
અફઘાની કવયિત્રીનું આક્રંદ!
Anil Chavda is a Gujarati language poet, writer and columnist from Gujarat, India. Some of his works include Savaar Laine, a collection of ghazals, which won him the 2014 Yuva Puras
નામ શૂન્ય અને મૂલ્ય આંક્યું ન અંકાય તેવું…
Anil Chavda is a Gujarati language poet, writer and columnist from Gujarat, India. Some of his works include Savaar Laine, a collection of ghazals, which won him the 2014 Yuva Puras
મનને સમજાવો નહીં કે મન સમજતું હોય છે
Anil Chavda is a Gujarati language poet, writer and columnist from Gujarat, India. Some of his works include Savaar Laine, a collection of ghazals, which won him the 2014 Yuva Puras
અમે કહેતા નથી ચાલે છે રાવણરાજ, ગાંધીજી!
Anil Chavda is a Gujarati language poet, writer and columnist from Gujarat, India. Some of his works include Savaar Laine, a collection of ghazals, which won him the 2014 Yuva Puras