Journey of Sarjak
Sarjak is the Platform, Where all the Literature types is available
Why Sarjak…?
As we Know, So many peoples are really creative and talented to prove themselves. and we are helping them too, we encourage those people to come forward and Share the Creativity.
As we all know, that everyone of us has at least one different skill or talent. But there are so many living reasons around us, that we cannot share with everyone even though we have burning desires in to fulfil it. The most important difficulty that time is to get the opportunity or the Platform. Because of that, we are ignoring our own skill. There are so many people around us, Who want to show their skills against us.
But, as we know there is no platform that can help at this stage. Many people around us in our day to day life, Who always want to Write Something or Share Something. So many peoples are really creative and talented to prove themselves. and we are helping them too, we encourage those people to come forward and Share the Creativity.
If you are also Know someone, Who can ready to share their creativity then Welcomes you. By the help we can try to do something good about it. The Sarjak will always be with you to bring your Creative work and ability to face the people around us.
However, We do not pay Royalty or Money to anyone for our effort as well as contribution of their Work and also, we are not expecting anything in Return. We are only platform provider to give you an Opportunities to open up on the global level. Let’s join us and share your contribution with the open Platform.
Yes, the main thing is copyrights, and we need to clear that point to. At the Sarjak, Your creation is always yours for now and ever. No rights or restrictions are imposed on you. Even after you join, your creations are always free and fair to use for your needs without Restrictions from and by us. We are here for the commitment of just to provide a Platform. This is way is totally yours toward the literature, and yours success is also yours only.

Way of Sarjak
Sarjak Group is a platform that is working with creative peoples in the modern era of literature in the 21st Century, through the digital medium of the web-world. From which compilation of selected Content is also done every month as a magazine form. (For your information, currently we are not working on magazine.) The Sarjak himself is a form of reincarnation of Kavygoshthi group itself. The basic purpose of the Kavygoshthi group was to give a chance to people belonging to literature, in a periodical form. However, in the absence of time and team, the form of Kavygoshthi has been closed. Now we are working as a Web-portal. In the form of Sarjak group, Kavygoshthi is once again alive. From now the Sarjak magazine will be working on same way in the coming times…
Our main objective is to always provide the medium to show their creativity to the new peoples. The conceptual idea of creating a platform by Kavygoshthi E-magazine was set in late 2015. But it took eight months to get the form of real e-magazine. Finally, in the end of September, the first issue of the magazine was released in form of eBooks. Then with a running time at the end of each month, Kavygoshthi E-magazine kept on reading and Supported by readers.
Our main objective is to reach only the literary and literary texts as far as the present time, more than that, to reach the audience’s door through a digital magazine form. All associates belonging to Kavygoshthi were also somewhere confined to literature. There is no famous or well-known poet, nor any celebrity. But yes, all of our youngest family members were learners. Walking on the way of life, the eyes of the eyes, the emotional words, the writers and the mysterious secrets of life, learn about the events happening in the present-day world. Someone knows a bit more, but there is a relationship of literature between all. The name of Portal as Sarjak itself a Relationship between us. Which is more of emotion, vibration, feeling and sensational relationship than the Rules and Regulation of it.
We cannot yet fully and properly qualify. But yes, something new and doing something good, for our mother tongue, literature, we are also contributing a little part to our contribution. We are getting together here with the similar interest with the help of the Sarjak.
Every poet and writer friend who has helped visual, invisible, physical, and mentally assisted on the journey of Kavygoshthi, has always been indebted And the hope that the Sarjak group will continue to provide valuable time and advice in the coming times.